It is a death cult. How do you know if it is a cult? You are not to question anything. You are not allowed to opt out. Complete behavioural control is expected. You will be rewarded some bread crumbs if you kowtow and it is never worth it. Normalizing MAID, standardizing eugenics in plain view, the one child policy or WHO knows ...the no child policy, some take their worldviews very seriously, critters always do as in soul less, so when the soul is less it is easier to disconnect from the essence of real vibrating life and then maths takes over or zeroes, they work with models and worship them, and ones for the one they worship, it seems. You have looked the monster in the face and paid dearly, what a tragic loss of a beautiful soul and with you there are millions more, suffering in silence. I wish you a peaceful day, and may your heart find solace in the fact that you did have the years you did have with your little warrior may he rest in eternal peace, you carry him in your heart, may his torch of light and joy give you the strength to carry on, kind regards.

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Thank you ❤️

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Jul 4Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

Adding to the above, also read Sasha Latypova 'Due diligence and art' and Proton Magic, and follow Catherine Austin Fitts.

Norway is lost, it's a total surveillance state, and Norwegians are terminally brainwashed into convenience. You can barely find a place where cash is accepted. Healthcare is a cynical clown show. They are also trained to blend in, to be a mediocre followers and not to excelle. Heaven for the simpletons and hell for intelligent free thinkers.

Sweden is not far behind!

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No, it's not wise to consider giving the Corrupted and now obsolete WHO any authority in human health measures. It's INSANITY! That's why, we, the people, decided to terminate the WHO in November 2023 for accepting funding from super-wealthy benefactors who now control WHO tactics and policies. Remember, the WHO was unelected and therefore of no significance in world health.

The New World Order is very busy modifying Bird Flu and many other diseases for maximum impact upon humans (it's called Gain of Function). They'll soon be ready to launch the most dangerous to us.

Bring back hanging for all involved in the manufactured Covid and DEADLY mRNA injection SCAM!

Lambs to the slaughter. It seems very few questions were asked about 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Editing) injections'. No evidence was requested about the origins and background of the man-modified disease before millions took the giant leap of faith. No investigation as to why and how Big Pharma enjoyed ZERO LIABILITY for any/all adverse effects (serious, long term or even DEATHS) that follow many 'vaccines'?

It's excusable, I suppose, because it was early days in the Covid depopulating scam and the 'pretend vaccine' CULL!

Now, after 4 years of data (much of which is deliberately hidden or falsified by Big Pharma) there is considerable evidence that Covid was designed, engineered, modified and intensified by Fauici & his associates in order to justify the magically quick 'CURE' which can, and do, KILL recipients. The jabs seem to have little or NO IMPACT on stopping Covid spreading or Covid being caught more frequently by the gullible 'vaxxed' amongst us.

Now that most of our early Conspiracy Theories seem to have been proven accurate - if not understated, many have accepted the 'pretend vaccines' make recipients more susceptible with every shot. The injections exacerbate pre-existing illnesses and even re-introduce illnesses that were cured many years ago.

Do not accept another shot until Pfizer et al, are held financially responsible for injuries and DEATHS caused by their deadly depopulating (money-making) injections.

You were warned - but now it's probably too late. Each extra injection you take reduces your Life Expectancy!

NO MORE mRNA injections until creators of the CULLING injections are executed for Pre-meditated Mass Murder!

Unjabbed mick! I'll live longer without medical intervention!

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Bobbo I saw in your bio that you believe what happened to your son was manslaughter. I and many others believe that this was premeditated murder. Start here: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program

Australia: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response

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It’s what the Prosecutor is investigating. It’s not a private trial. The Prosecutor decides what crime she’s investigating.

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Jul 4Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

Ah, ok I did not know that you had a case already going with a prosecutor. I am surprised that s/he is letting you write about the situation publicly on Substack. Respectfully, have you received legal advice about this?

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… Four big newspapers in Sweden have written about the case. Google Nicholas Sundgren.

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I don’t write about who I have pressed charges on. If the hospital wants to take advantage of the information, they have to fabricate documents. But only people can be trialed.

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Jul 4Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

Ok, I'm not quite sure I understand, but if I were you I would probably run this by my lawyer if I were in the middle of an active case.

Best of luck I hope you win.

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