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Premeditated Mass-murder must be punished for everyone that participated in the world-wide CULL called Covid and the directly aligned deadly injections ('vaccine') which they 'sold' us as a 'VACCINE'. This applies to all who participated but pretended to be unaware.

We, the people now distrust everything we are told by the establishment, politicians, the Press, the Medical profession, the self appointed NWO & our potential new controllers - the super-wealthy Elites.

Heads must roll (literally). Executions must take place for those heading these atrocities. People like Fauci, Schwab, Bourla, Gates, etc, need to be tried by THE PEOPLE - not the corrupted judiciary. Public Hangings must be re-introduced for all concerned.

LIABILITY must be re-introduced for all corrupt companies making (deadly) medicines and pretend depopulating injections they call 'VACCINES'.

Unjabbed Mick. I'll live longer without corrupt medical intervention.

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