Much of what you say is true. Interdimensional evil does exist, they have been known by many names through history:


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Thank you. I will read ❤️

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And yet...those in the West be-lie-ve that, that was then and this is now, now we are modern and now those awful experiments are not done anymore, because we are now ethical and moral, our history books in school tell us so, so it must be true as the teacher grades us on it, telly says so, although some movie productions do indicate that something is still amiss on the farm with big pharm-tech-mil-gov. Nicely documented, great work, yes prior to 2020 all the information was freely floating about if you were willing to look and stare into the abys wihtout becoming it ofcourse, that is the trick in overcoming darkness. Kind regards, Grüß Gott.

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The patent is misdirection.

There is no novel virus, they didn't isolate any virus ... nor have they isolated any virus. Virology is a complete fraud.

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The first Sars outbreak and MERS were created outbreaks using the same nanotechnologies as for this Sars-Cov-2 outbreak (almost simultaneously Wuhan, Italy and the american east coast). Karen Kingston knows more: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/sars-1-mers-and-covid-19-were-caused?utm_source=publication-search

For more info on Covid-19 watch these sessions: https://grand-jury.net

If you go to the link about Fritz Speiermeiers research where I write this is hard to digest you will find the illuminati are the ones that still have access to the classified research of Dr. Mengele (was he not also a Paperclip example or did he get away to South America?) https://patientmaktpatientcv.substack.com/p/fritz-springmeier-illuminati-bloodlines?utm_source=publication-search

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Bobbo I think this is a typo:

"I believe that Sveriges Nationella Förbund (SNF), that was founded 1915 in Stockholm, follwed the same hidden agenda, with ties to the Swedish Institute for Racial Biology (Rasbiologiska institutet), founded 2022."

You're doing phenomenal work, I can't keep up with you!

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