You have to walk a mile in a man's shoes to know what he is going through. It is so unnatural for a child to pass on before the parents and that is what makes such a loss unbearable, it is not logical from a natural perspective whereas if the parents go at a ripe old age, ofcourse they're sorely missed but it is part of a natural cycle. The other unbearable thing is for a parent or parents to have to come to terms with the fact that they made a decision which caused harm, it is something no one is equipped to deal well with as that is also unnatural due to most parents only wanting to make the right decisions for their child or children. However in the world we live in we are propagandized from birth till death unless you live in the boondocks. So once we know better, we do better, we need to trust to live as that is the glue of life and relationships and that is what is misused by those that value life less and are blinded themselves by the authorities they trust or look up to. May your journey also be a template for others to follow on how to somehow process this gigantic loss in a good way and how to navigate the legalese system and to get others to see what harm can be done if we allow for experimental 'stuff' to be used without informed consent. The inserts were allegedly empty so informed consent was not possible. Dissolving Illusions is a book I would want to give to all new parents the world over, written by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, Kind regards.

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Thank you❤️

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Jul 9Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

I'm so touched by your writing. I just spent the evening listening to a woman relate how her husband was killed by the same beast doctors, the insane stories they gave her, giving her contradicting but continuous lies over a week and making sure of his demise by the inappropriate treatments and lack of food.

God bless you and your beautiful boy. Some of us see very clearly our mission on this Earth is to eradicate the rot that has settled on Earth. Some of us know it is the only reason to live now. We must find our way back to the Light of our Souls.

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Thank you❤️

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Jul 8Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

Our CPTSD healing is definitely aided by others’ support. Co-regulation is actually a pretty helpful healing tool. So many of us are having our babes stripped away from us in dramatic ways and then struggling with financial issues after having THOSE stripped away as well.

I can’t NOT support you though. I pray others feel the same and that we each can do even more SOON.

Justice IS coming, in Yahusha’s name.

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Praise his name.

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Jul 8Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

HalleluYah dear brother. Their time of mercy is coming to an end.

I am just so very sorry.

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Thank you ❤️

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Jul 8Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

You are in my heart. I have no financial ability to send a donation. A Canadian Grandma

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Thank you❤️ Hopefully you can spread the word.

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I think that if any self imposed authoritarian body prescribed an experimental poison to a relative of mine, without my authority and permission, the consequences would be catastrophic for the murderer responsible. My actions would be regarded as illegal, aggressive, spiteful and inhumane. Fortunately, I have family that can make sensible decisions about accepting Government experimental injections that kill..

Fauci's tearing his hair out - He promised Adolf Schwab that his modified Bird Flu is far more deadly than his original modified Bat Juice! Now his boss will put him into the Elite's concentration camp.

Get real! Don't ever accept another injection, (experimental or not) under any circumstances, unless Pfizer et al, accept TOTAL LIABILITY for deaths and depopulation caused by their poisons!

Unjabbed Mick. Fighting to get Pfizer to accept LIABILITY for their depopulating medicines which they call 'VACCINES'.

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