Jun 30Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

I just heard about you--and sweet Nicholas--on Celia Farber's Substack. I am so glad she is getting the word out there and that your important case will be getting increasing attention. I look forward to reading more of your words and of your path of justice and healing.

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Thank you❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

I’m so sorry for what your son and family have suffered. It’s unimaginable to me that an untested product was given to any children or adults especially those that have medical histories which include transplants. We have a young woman at church who was required to be vaxxed that was given a heart transplant recently. Only, God knows what her future looks like. Again, I’m so sorry you lost your beautiful boy at the hands our our medical systems.

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Thank you ❤️

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Same here, Bobby! Celia Farmer led me to learn about the horror your son was put through to the very end of his young life. Last night I printed out all your posts and stayed up reading them until 1 pm. Your writing is poignant and powerful. May Nicholas rest in peace, smiling down at you as you share his story.

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Thank you ❤️

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Jul 3Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

Blessing and Prayers to you and your loved ones. Thank you for speaking up during this time of profound sorrow and pain.

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Thank you❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

My heart breaks for you kind sir. I pray they all pay dearly for what they’ve done and you receive justice for Nicholas

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Thank you ❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Bobbo Sundgren

Heartbreaking, indeed. I pray Nicholas’ death will not be in vain. What sorrow.

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Thank you ❤️

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Bobbo - Thank you for sharing your heart-breaking story of the loss of your son, Nicholas, due to the so-called C19 vaxx. Your unflinching hospital descriptions in your articles are an indictment of the callous & often unfeeling medical system while at the same time they are a lasting tribute to the beautiful spirit of your lovely, funny son & your struggle to save him from the consequences of this dangerous injection.

I learned of your family & Nicholas thru Celia's posting of your article today & then I read down thru all of your articles to learn more of what you have gone through since the roll-out of this toxic jab. I was reminded of Margaret Anna Alice's interview in Dec 2023 with Naomi Wolf, warrior mom & CEO of Daily Clout, re: the farma companies' deliberate attampts to hide & censor their info re: their deadly/dangerous so-called "C19 vaxx" injections. The FDA/US govt & the global farma companies deliberately lied to the public about the safety of their products, which shows intent to harm & kill indiscriminately by coercing the world's govts into buying & populations into taking their deadly shots.

Forgive me for such a long post but wanted to share this excerpt here with you & your readers today:

Reminder: The so-called “C19 vaxx” injections - NOT a vaxx but poison shots - were known to injure & kill in early big farma testing before being given to the world’s people in the spring of 2021. This is why the FDA/big farma companies asked the US courts for a 75 year delay in releasing their early testing & studies on the horrifying dangers of their toxic, often lethal & unapproved jab injections called C19 “vaxx”in order to avoid product liability.

See: Dec 14, 2023 - Dissident Dialogues: Dr. Naomi Wolf - Facing the Beast Together: On Menticide, Corruption, Torture, Injection Harms, the Nature of Evil, Accountability, Tyranny, Free Will vs. Fate, Apocaloptimism, & Proof Mistakes Were NOT Made - Interview w/ Margaret Anna Alice - https://substack.com/@margaretannaalice and Naomi Wolf, PhD - https://naomiwolf.substack.com/

Interview - [clip] MAA: In Chapter Ten of "Facing the Beast Together: On Menticide, Corruption, Torture, Injection Harms, the Nature of Evil, Accountability, Tyranny, Free Will vs. Fate, Apocaloptimism, & Proof Mistakes Were NOT Made"

Book: "Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, & Resistance in a New Dark Age" (2023) by Naomi Wolf, PhD.


From interview - Q & A #5:

MAA to Naomi: "In Chapter Ten of Facing the Beast,“The Pfizer Documents,” you share the findings of your volunteers comprising “3,250 highly credentialed doctors, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians, and research scientists,” who analyzed the 450,000 Pfizer documents the FDA tried to conceal from the public for seventy-five years.

You outline a litany of injurious and lethal side effects that were known to Pfizer and the FDA by early 2021 as documented in the post-marketing report covering December 1, 2020, through February 28, 2021, the most harrowing being those impacting babies and reproduction. You write:

“Reproduction itself is targeted by the mRNA vaccines. And if you know that reproduction is harmed, and babies and fetuses are harmed, and you know that this is at scale, which everyone at Pfizer and at the FDA who read these documents, knew—and if you do not stop—then does that not ultimately become a genocide?”

I’ve argued that if people cannot fathom that 17 million people [& counting!] have been intentionally killed, they must at the very least concede negligent democide is occurring. As you pointed out, the corporations, governments, and agencies have known about the catastrophic damages caused by these products since they were first unleashed, and yet they forged full-speed ahead with the vaccination pogr[a]m while lying to the public about them being “safe and effective.” […]

Naomi Wolf: “The overwhelming amount of evidence the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer documents analysts have uncovered, and presented now in ninety-two reports on Daily Clout dailyclout.io, shows that harm to humans, including deaths and devastating impacts on fertility, were studied affirmatively, known, and were actively concealed from the public. Our lawyer Ed Berkovich FOIA’d CDC emails on “myocarditis” and revealed that fifteen White House top-level message staffers, Dr. Walensky, Dr. Collins, and Dr. Fauci were all looped in to coordinate a coverup of risks of myocarditis in young healthy people caused by the mRNA injection. President Biden was copied on some findings from this group. Two lawsuits from attorneys general have confirmed that the White House and CDC leaned on Twitter and Facebook to smear and censor critics. Billions of dollars were secured by individuals engaging in these crimes and coverups.

Thousand died and millions were disabled. Babies died in utero. The harms continue to this day.

To those who say, “Mistakes were made,” my answer would be legalistic. There is clear intent in all of the above revelations. There is knowledge of wrongdoing. Why else would FDA ask the court to conceal these documents for seventy-five years? Why else would the White House scramble to concoct a “script” to lie about the risks of myocarditis? Why study the disrupted menses of thousands of women, as we see in the Pfizer documents, and not then disclose these risks to women, or why report on the deaths of two babies in utero due to “maternal exposure” to the vaccine, unless you wish to disrupt the menses of women and harm babies in utero? There is no way these injuries are accidental if they are studied and documented in detail and then rolled out on the public with no informed consent.

Then to those who, now knowing this, suggest that we “move on,” I would ask, what is the point of having a justice system at all?

When nations have no rule of law or accountability for crimes, they soon collapse into chaos. If elites can murder or sterilize with impunity now, we have truly validated a genocidal future, since without reprisals, they just won’t stop.”

Full article here: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-dr-naomi-wolf

xo Thank you Bobbo for fighting through your terrible pain to help bring justice to our kids & the world regarding the harms of these devastating kill-shots that are destroying our families & societies.

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Thank you ❤️

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